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Late September

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Late September Empty Late September

Post by Hobb Wed 18 Sep 2019 - 13:51

11) Looking back through the detrius of my youth, I had many 'alt-right' tendencies:
I fashioned our teen gang into the neighborhood 'gun kids' through constant gun-play, graduating to paint-ball and first-person shooters; I was fascinated by wars, especially WWI and Vietnam; I would decorate myself with swastikas; I loved making weapons and pyromania, so much pyromania; I had a picture of The Terminator over my bed; I was an ironic, nihilist 'edgelord' obsessed with tracking down the taboo and gory; I watched South Park, Taratino, and obscure horror movies; I was an incel until my 20s; joining the 'anti-globalization' protests I quickly realized I was not female, queer, non-white, or working-class; talking to Toronto actvist quickly exposed my utter lack of leftist knowledge because most of the book I was reading were gonzo New Age, rightwing conspiracy or role-playing games. As a professor I injected evolution into my Sociology courses and conspiracy and the occult into my Philosophy ones. I swore, spoke my mind, and was basically non-politically-correct in my class. I was (and somewhat remain) a sarcastic loner with deep streaks of misanthrophy and nihilism.

All this suggests that the 'alt-right' archetype pre-dates the internet and that it might by a common cultural path for some types of modern white males.

Last edited by Hobb on Thu 19 Sep 2019 - 17:23; edited 1 time in total

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Late September Empty Re: Late September

Post by Hobb Thu 19 Sep 2019 - 12:49

12) Looking back at old notes from my days as a university student: notes on Heidegger philosophy and Buddhism beside techno-industrial playlists; arrangements to travel to protests; sketches of yoga positions and chaos magick sigils; notes on incorporating evolutionary psychology into a medieval werewolf RPG; and psychedelic-goth doodles surrounding all of the above...It is surprising that I made it to middle-age even partially sane. But you often have to adopt extreme perspectives to see what is right in front of you.

#Reading some 1700s biographies. Plenty of liberal slave-owners, urbane sex-tourists, and smarmy bad-faith conservatives. You could give these people social-media accounts and they would fit right in. Massive amounts of trolling by pamphleteers and political poets.

13) It's funny that Anglo-American culture give off the impression of supporting the French Revolution. Growing up I got the impression that the mob was wild but they were killing ultra-corrupt elites so it was kind of democratic. Reading the literature the Anglo-American elites hate the French Revolution except for the fact in momentarily cripples the French Empire. They still hate it today. Modern conservatism begins with Ed Burke hating the French Revolution because it causes family disharmony.

14) I spent a few minutes trying to track down a funny smell at the top of the driveway before I realized it was a whiff of autumnal rot on a hot afternoon. Fall is a necromantic orgy of colours and smells.

https://yasha.substack.com/p/immigrants-as-a-weapon-global-nationalism wrote:Most people probably don’t know that over the past 70 years America has done more to promote nationalism and far-right ideologies around the world than any other country on earth. I say this without exaggeration. No one else even comes close.

This is truly one of those topic that is pretty straightforward if you read books but will never, ever be mentioned in any mainstream media. In order to combat communism/socialism/sovereignty/independence/uppitiness the US has brought to power a motley crew of tyrants, unreformed fascists, fundamentalist theocrats, simple thugs, nacro-lords, death-squard commanders, rabid xenophobes and psychopath mercenaries. It makes for interesting reading but it also driving humans back into barbarism.

16) Here is another pretty straightforward but never mentioned fact: 90% of the people killed by the America allies listed above just wanted either land-reform or resource nationalization.  The USA is a counter-revolutionary country.

Last edited by Hobb on Thu 19 Sep 2019 - 20:06; edited 1 time in total

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Late September Empty Re: Late September

Post by Hobb Thu 19 Sep 2019 - 19:52

17) The P.C paradox: Speakers who worry about political-correctness are generally boring yet every speaker who bills themselves as "anti-PC" are right-wing blowhards not worth listening too. The best best are speakers who are not P.C yet do not advertise themselves as such.

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Late September Empty Re: Late September

Post by Hobb Mon 23 Sep 2019 - 12:26

18) The internet limit is blown, so limited usage until next week cheers I like a slow internet sometimes. This fact (and not owning a cell-phone or credit card) is the biggest gap between me and modernity. I don't want things faster, cheaper and more out-of-control.

Going through the history of America, you find a real psychological horror at being restricted. I shared this once. Now I see limitations as an aspect of mortality, and they make me more merciful. A limited life is not what Hollywood promised but it is a human one.

19) "Imperial Socialism" - the most common form of Western socialism.
Imperial socialist parties condone a violent, colonial foreign policy by the capitalist state in return for a portion of that ill-gotten wealth. This is the trade-off when a socialist party is pro-war and pro-healthcare, the profits of the first help pay for the second. This is true of Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn and Jagmeet Singh. That this limited demand to share the capitalist booty is called "the far Left" in North American political discourse is a good sign of how far to the right this culture has gone.

Jeremy Corbyn is personally against invasions but the sizable 'new labour' portions of his party would leave if forced to vote anti-war. So not only do the capitalists refuse to share their neo-colonial wealth (breaking their half of the 'New Deal" from WWII) but some portions on the alt-Right can grab the anti-war moral high ground. "Trump as the Peace Candidate" is a major propaganda branch of the alt-Right.

None of the three major Canada parties offer a peace platform toward our neighbours, nor a war platform against our elites. I've spent nearly 40 years voting 'in a democracy' and all you can do is keep some monsters out of power.


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Late September Empty Re: Late September

Post by Hobb Tue 24 Sep 2019 - 15:29

20) Foggy morning reveals the intense latticework of spider webs and strands covering the landscape. The mist of the bay forms a strange half-arc as it lifts, like a staircase formed the river's cooler air. The clouds above are vivid but refuse visual resolution, seeming like a pressurized blur. By noon giant cumulus startle me from the eastern horizon, not just moving but visibly growing the clouds expand like a slow-motion explosion, pulling apart like taffy and forming solitary towers to be blown to shreds. A roiling dark cumulus appear with two hawks (they weren't turkey-vultures) gyring it. It has a sense of menace. There is something about growing clouds half-hidden by a horzion that gives them that aura. I've encounter it once before, a long-ago autumn evening, where a black cloud on the horizion seemed to sprout tendrils and engulf the Moon.

Cloud-watching is the cheapest spectacle on the planet. You just have to open yourself up to it.

Too many North Americans want to assaulted by their entertainment spectacle, they want it to hold them down and force them to into immersion. Louder, brighter, more 3D. A capitalist spectacle you can purchase to momentarily overcome your jerky industrial-strength personality. Yet any art worthy of the name can only exist if you meet it half way, only in being vulnerable to art can experience it. I've only really discovered this in the last decade.

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Late September Empty Re: Late September

Post by Hobb Tue 24 Sep 2019 - 16:46

Boots Riley wrote: In the world of film we’ve edited out all rebellion. We’re supposed to be showing representations of life, and whether the main characters in those worlds agree with it or not, there’s rebellion that’s happening in the world. It’s edited out. It’s replaced by other mundane things that aren’t really in our world, like noontime café dates.

22) A dirty pink dawn with a thin lunar sliver. Then 45 minutes of muck, slugs, jagged twigs and a suspicious amount of bluejay feathers in one spot. This land sprouts an entire jungle, then rots it back to mulch every year. A counter reaction to sheer amount of decay is probably why I associated with evergreens so strongly in my youth.

I was putting a water-hose to down to the bay to let it run for the day. We got our well's pump replaced and there is a lingering taste of chlorine.  The desire to harm those plumbers is strong. Rationally I know the taste will go away in time, but fucking with someone's water hits the limbic system. Evil or Very Mad More seriously, during Standing Rock I heard the term 'Water Protector' for the first-time, but have never researched it. Here is the wikipedia on that term.

Wikipedia wrote:Water protectors are activists and organizers who work to defend all of the earth's environment, specifically its water. Water protectors are primarily members of Indigenous communities in North America and do not consider themselves to be protesters, but performing a sacred duty through non-violent resistance to activities which endanger water. Water protectors reject the term "protester" because of its links to colonialism and other negative connotations.

Water protectors are a community role primarily taken on by women. In Anishinaabe culture women perform ceremonies to honour water and water is considered to be alive and have a spirit.

Well-known water protectors include: Autumn Peltier from Wikwemikong First Nation; Josephine Mandamin, Marjorie Flowers, from Nunatsiavut, Labrador

Here is a daily listing of boil-water advisories in Ontario: https://www.watertoday.ca/textm-p.asp?province=8
Here is a map of boil-water advisories in Canada: http://www.watertoday.ca/map-graphic.asp

23) At some point I become suspicious of my fondness for impenetrable plate-mailed knights riding across austere snowscapes beneath spruces and pines. You eventually have to make some peace with the muck. Especially that muck wrapped around your bones.

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Late September Empty Re: Late September

Post by Hobb Wed 25 Sep 2019 - 15:42

Norman Thomas Di Giovanni - The Lesson of the Master_ On Borges and His Work (2003) wrote:There was a dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy, whose paper and binding Borges and I were fond of smelling, on the main table.
The line quoted above has no set-up or explanation, it is assumed that smelling a book is just another minor joy if life and you'll understand that. I do.

25) Juxtapose the 'book-sniffing' Borges of 1969 with Borges in 1977, talking to the sneering Catholic Bill Buckley Jr., calling the new Argentine military dictatorship "real gentlemen" as they slaughter 30,000 leftists and institute austerity economics. This 'dirty war' was part of Operation Condor, the massive US-backed network that slaughtered leftists across South America. Between 1970-90, 80,000 "suspected leftist sympathizers" were killed in Operation Condor.

FIRING LINE program taped in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on February 1, 1977, wrote:
BORGES: We have the right government now, a government of gentlemen, not of hoodlums. I don't think we're ripe for democracy as yet--maybe in a hundred years or so. But now I think we have the right government. I think that the government means well, and the government is acting, and as I said, we are governed by gentlemen and not by the scum of the earth, as happened, well, but a short time ago.

Robert Steven, Political Officer, Embassy Buenos Aires, 1976-1977 wrote:There was some attitude I remember hearing once from someone I thought was a very liberal-minded Argentine when somebody had just been found assassinated and disappeared, “Well, he had it coming. They were troublemakers.” It wasn’t that it affected such wide numbers of people. They were more worried about their economic, I think, than their political situation. They didn’t like the publicity, of course. Let’s face it. Many of them were humane people after all, and they didn’t like to see people being killed or tortured

1977 was, by many accounts, the worst year of the military dictatorship of Rafael Videla. His “The Process of National Reorganization’’ (El Proceso) was a campaign of state terror and economic reorganization.

In that year, the Argentinian investigative journalist Rodolfo Walsh clandestinely published his Open Letter to the Military Junta. The country he describes, painting a Bosch-like hell with facts and figures, is a charnel house.

Walsh states in naked, meticulous numbers: “(…) 15.000 disappeared persons, 10.000 prisoners, 4000 dead, many tens of thousands expropriated from their lands, these are the naked ciphers of this terror’’. He condemns the building of countless make-shift prisons, the secret trials, “the concentration camps where no judge, lawyer, journalist or international monitor may enter”.

“The censorship in the press, the persecution of intellectuals, the raid on my house in Tigre (the river delta of Buenos Aires) the murders of my dear friends and the loss of my daughter—who died while fighting you—are some of the factors that force me into this form of clandestine expression, after almost 30 years in which I had freely given my opinion as a journalist and writer.”

Dissent was intolerable for the regime, and many Argentines who tried to get by unnoticed as public employees or as workers in the private sectors today can recount having been supervised by armed military police to enforce ‘’productivity’’.

“In only one year you have reduced the gross wages of workers by 40% and diminished their participation in the national income (GDP) by 30%, which has resulted in a lengthening of the workday from 6 to 18 hours for any worker supporting a family. This policy has revived forms of forced labour that are non-existent even in the last remaining colonial settlements.”

Argentina’s military dictatorship organized its killings in death camps, with methods reminiscent of the Nazis’ (and many Nazis had, in fact, found asylum in Argentina after World War II and still lived there then).

Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, was tortured and held for 14 months without trial at a prison where the police had painted a giant swastika on the wall. On May 5, 1977, Mr. Pérez Esquivel was put on a “death flight.” Chained to his seat, he watched an officer preparing a syringe. For a long time, the military plane circled over the Río de la Plata estuary that opens on the Atlantic Ocean as if awaiting orders to dump him in. Finally, he heard a crackling radio command to return to base. Mr. Pérez Esquivel believes his life was probably saved by all the inquiries the authorities were getting about his disappearance.

Anthony Freeman - Assistant Labor Attaché, Embassy Buenos Aires, 1976-1980 wrote:The Carter Administration’s strong emphasis on human rights policy was not the only U.S. interest in Argentina. We didn’t want to see the leftist guerrillas tortured to death and then “disappeared” in secret operations, let alone innocent civilians labeled as terrorists, arbitrarily detained and then disposed of in the same way, but I believe we recognized it was in the U.S. interest to see the guerrilla threat eliminated ... professionals in the State Department (and certainly the Pentagon) saw the guerrillas as a threat to U.S. interests in Latin America. The Argentine counterinsurgency was carried out in good, Machiavellian fashion.

A 1976 meeting between Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger and the regime’s foreign minister, Admiral Guzzetti, who asked for American “understanding and support” in the post-coup slaughter of leftists. “If there are things that have to be done,” Mr. Kissinger said, “you should do them quickly.”

Smelling books is no guarantee of anything. No matter how much I want it to be.

Last edited by Hobb on Thu 26 Sep 2019 - 14:40; edited 5 times in total

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Late September Empty Re: Late September

Post by Hobb Thu 26 Sep 2019 - 12:57

25) One of the great parts of R2N is keeps out of the rest of the internet: no latest fads, moral panics, right-wing propaganda, advertisements. [If you see ads, sign up or get an ad-blocker - I don't seen any]  I don't even skim twitter. The media 'mass mind' is one the largest illusions - and one of the worst. Modern media consumers are like medieval church-goers (or more accurately they are nightly attendee at satanic mass).

I like illusions too but haven't you learn to distrust the men making the shadows on the wall? How many more children do they need to shred before you?

If you think I'm being too dramatic, let's place a bet...  Based on two decades of news watching I'm betting the US airplanes have blown up a family or child in the last 6 months to secure "Amercian safety"? Do you want to take this bet? Or do you just want to tell me those humans all deserved to die to keep America safe?

I'm stepping off R2N to read some news....

https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/09/23/reports-wedding-party-bombing-indicate-us-forces-have-massacred-least-70-afghan wrote:
Monday, September 23, 2019
Andrea Germanos, Common Dreams staff writer

Reports of Wedding Party Bombing Indicate US Forces Have Massacred at Least 70 Afghan Civilians in One Week

"Don't kill us," said one local who survived the recent bombing in Helmand province.

The incident in the southern province of Helmand, which came just days after a U.S. drone strike killed at least 30 farm workers in eastern Nangarhar province, highlights the fragile situation for civilians as the U.S. enters its 19th year of war in Afghanistan.

Omar Zwak, a spokesman for the Helmand governor, said an undetermined number of civilians were killed after an explosion at an insurgent weapons depot that had been targeted by government forces late Sunday. But Haji Attaullah Afghan, head of the provincial council in Helmand, said a two-vehicle wedding convoy was fired upon by military helicopters, and that civilians were killed in both vehicles.

A spokesman for U.S. Forces-Afghanistan told Stars and Stripes that "we did conduct targeted precision strikes against barricaded terrorists firing on Afghan and U.S. forces" presenting "an imminent threat."

Sept 23 2019

...came just days after a U.S. drone strike killed at least 30 farm workers...

"Don't kill us," said one local

I never wanted to win this bet.
I didn't even want to look at the news this golden fall morning. I was happy to arrive at R2N a few minutes ago.

But this is the world I lived in for the last 20 years -- where the engines of our culture are greased with shredded Afghani families on a monthly basis.  

I guess R2N also gives me the space to post a story like that and not have it compete with ads, comments, links, click-bait.
So the parts of the soul that a slaughter touches have the space to breath and grieve. and rage.


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Late September Empty Re: Late September

Post by Hobb Fri 27 Sep 2019 - 20:46

26) American Psycho is one of the darkest horror films for about 30 seconds. All the previous histrionics and the closing ode to nihilism distract everyone from two minor sentences - "...but inside doesn't matter" and "whatever" - that reveal the immensity of soul death of American in manner that no torture-porn can.

The whole final scene of that movie with Reagan on the screen and the growing drone of the violin is brave, and artistic and devastating. It is one of the strongest indictment of America in a non-documentary. That fact that it was directed by a Canadian (Mary Harron, born in Bracebridge) is no accident.

I haven't watched the full movie in over a decade but I re-watch the final scene one a year.

This film came out in 2000. I volunteer to do a sequel. I'd set it in the WTC on September 11th. I won't change much, just update it for that special brand of late 90s soullessness: Sienfeld, Friends ect....
Everyone is ultra-scummy (aka libs and cons), the wealth is obscene, the souls void. Bush Jr is on the TV. The final shot is the Patrick Bateman staring out the window at the the incoming airplane.

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